Are parents who permit violent video games more permissive of violence from their children at home?

Are parents who permit violent video games more permissive of violence from their children at home?

The relationship between permissiveness towards violent video games and permissiveness towards violence in general can vary among parents. It’s important to note that parental attitudes and behaviours are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including personal beliefs, cultural and societal norms, and individual parenting styles.

While some parents may allow their children to play violent video games and have permissive attitudes towards violence in general, it does not necessarily mean they condone or encourage violent behaviour from their children. Parents may have different reasons for allowing their children to play these games, such as believing in the entertainment value, the ability to differentiate between fantasy and reality, or trusting in the child’s ability to handle and process the content.

Research in this area suggests that parental attitudes towards media violence can influence children’s attitudes and behaviors. For example, if parents express permissive attitudes towards violent media, it may contribute to a more accepting attitude towards aggression in general. However, it’s important to note that the influence of media on behavior is multifaceted and can be influenced by various factors, such as parental involvement, communication, and overall family environment.

It is also worth mentioning that numerous studies have shown that parental involvement, communication, and the establishment of clear boundaries and rules regarding media consumption can play a significant role in mitigating any potential negative effects of violent media. Engaging in open discussions with children about media content, teaching critical media literacy skills, and promoting prosocial behaviors can help shape their understanding of violence and its consequences.

Ultimately, it is essential for parents to be actively involved in their children’s media consumption, understand the content of the games, and make informed decisions based on the individual needs and values of their family.